OpenRoads Designer Help

Append Element

Used to construct a complex element by appending additional elements in a previously established complex element.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Geometry > Horizontal > Modify split button

Use the Append Element tool to construct a complex element by appending additional elements in a previously established complex element.

  1. Open the Civil Tools task pane to the Horizontal Geometry section then click the Insert/Append Profile Element icon.
  2. When you move the cursor into the View, it is equipped with a command prompt requesting that you "Locate Complex Element", so move the cursor to an existing complex element and data point, example, left-click on it.
  3. When prompted to "Locate Element to Add/Insert", move the cursor to one of the elements that you wish to include in the complex element and click on it.


Manipulators are available for:

  • Move

  • Length

  • Slope


To View the new element's properties, equip the Element Selection tool.

Left-click on a complex element in the View then let the cursor hover over the selected element. Click the Properties icon to access rule data for the chosen element.